Sunday 24 August 2008

Wondering about wandering

Maybe this is my shortest ever rant, but I just want to say that I really, really, really hate it when people muddle up "wander" with "wonder". There are some other idiot mistakes that annoy me, but I've just watched a promotional video online where the presenter mixes them up and I just wanted to go "arghhhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrr".


StupidityContainmentFieldCompromised said...

I also get hot under the collar when people mix up "whether" and "wether". This is worse, because one of them involves castrating a ram...

Beth said...

Hello! I've just found your blog (via Bluewave). Man can I relate to some of the stuff on here (at the moment, I'm still in the States). Hope to be over there by this time next year, however.... I will be following your adventures at your new school with interest. I really really hope I end up in a nice school, since I spent 4 years at a school like the one you just came from! Thanks for documenting it all... I've added you to my links list on my other blog.
