Sunday, 22 February 2009


Question: Is it better to have a really dull half term holiday where you potter around a bit and mark a few books every day, and plan some lessons, and worry about work? Or an amazing week off, full of fun and late nights and a nagging feeling at the back of your mind that you should be doing some work, which only becomes reality on Sunday evening just twelve hours before you're back in work again?

Answer: At this point on a Sunday evening it doesn't really matter... that sinking "back to work" feeling is all pervasive...


CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

Even though it doesn't matter at this point, I vote for the latter, not the former!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Thought I'd do some tidying up of recipes cut out of magazines (mostly Nigel Slater's from the Observer - don't always try them though). Anyway, I needed a folder and the one I wanted had lots of stuff in about marking the pre-sessional assessments. Well, I did the obvious. Made up a wonderfully colourful recipe folder which I am now really pleased with (it doesn't take much these days), and stapled together a few pieces of A4, having thrown out (sorry, recycled) most of the out of date crap from the work stuff.

My feeling of satisfaction means we'll be having a new curry dish tonight!

Anonymous said...

forget til sunday. Though how you do that I still dont know after 8 years of teaching.

StupidityContainmentFieldCompromised said...

Answer: Even big kids like us should go out and play every now and again - I hope you enjoyed your break !