Friday, 16 May 2008

It's Friiiiday!

I don't know how we got there but we did... it was a slow crawl to the last bell today. After days and days of sunshine, the rain finally came and left the kids giddy and wound up. Year 11s milled around the school, fondly glancing in classrooms as they wandered down to exams, as if they had been away for years, not just a few days of study leave. But the rest of the school were in the mood to fight, push, swear and back-chat.

And so I only have the energy to lift the glass of wine to my lips before an early night...


KeyReed said...

It's OK for you, I am in tomorrow and all day Sunday - but suppose it's my own fault for working in a Boarding school. Still the holidays are good.

Ranting Teacher said...

Swings and roundabouts I guess...!