Wednesday, 6 May 2009

10 O'Clock News of Eff-Off!

I've just been watching the 10 O'Clock News. I think it's quite an achievement that I've stayed up this late. But now I'm thinking I should give it up - after trying to calm down for the last couple of hours after a manic day of heavy horribleness all round, I've just heard something that has made me panic to the point of needing more beer.

It seems that the latest news is that we will be expected to work until we're 70 to help pay off the national debt, accrued if I recall (and yes, I do) by greedy bankers. Those greedy bankers who have recently lost their jobs and are now looking to teacher training as a new career path. Hey, I have an idea... all those responsible for getting us into this financial mess, why don't YOU work until you're 70, because I'm not sure I could keep going for even the next decade let alone any longer...


StupidityContainmentFieldCompromised said...

Okay, so they want to become teachers... So get yourself promoted and make their lives HELL !!!

Q. What's the difference between a merchant banker and a pigeon ?

A. The pigeon can still put down a deposit on a Ferrari !

Ranting Teacher said...

Good thinking... the application forms are "in the post"...