Thursday 3 July 2008

Can you help?

I wonder if anyone could help? Today, after counting up how many lessons I have left to count down, and realising that I will never see some of the children or staff again after a couple of weeks' time, I experienced a strange feeling. It was like a twinge, but it wasn't anger or cynicism or elation. It was this odd kind of sensation that made the corners of my mouth droop. If anyone knows what I could possibly be feeling, then please contact me in the usual way...


Anonymous said...

Could it be that maybe, you're a little... sad?!

Ranting Teacher said...

How can that be? I've moaned about the place for over 5 years!

Anonymous said...

Nothing is impossible! Just imagine how difficult it will be not having something to moan about!

I think it's times like these when you start to culminate all the positive aspects of your time. The daily grind of the place might get you down, but surely you can look back and smile about all the good times?

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling exactly the same. I've had a handover meeting with my replacement and ever since I'm walking round sadly!

I also think it's the nextschool-itis. I find myself constantly wondering if the grass is greener...

Anonymous said...

So...? You finished today? Sad? Happy? Or just exhausted?

Ranting Teacher said...

I feel... vague! It hasn't quite sunk in yet that I won't be milling down the same corridors come September!