Friday 25 July 2008


The BBC's Education website has given burglars hope that the recession will not affect them by pinpointing that come the autumn, student rooms will provide rich pickings in the way of easily portable electrical consumables: Students bring kit worth £6,000

I would have had an easier time of it too if I had had a mobile phone instead of wasting valuable drinking, ahem, studying minutes queuing for the pay phones to ring home once a fortnight or when the money had run out. I wouldn't have spent ages wandering around campus to see where everybody was when a quick text message would have confirmed that.

But then I would have probably spent all my time messing about on the internet instead.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but don't you think life went at a slightly more manageable pace (or are my rose-tinteds slipping)? And I wouldn't have spent my lunch hour (aka 15 minutes) replying to a blog...

Margaret English said...

As a teacher and a keen, aspiring writer, I am curious to know what made you decide to write a book. How did you go about getting it published? How successful has it been, both in terms of overall sales and in terms of revenue? Your comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ranting Teacher said...

Mrs Museum: true, life does move far too quickly now - I recently sat down to read a book of all things, and it took some concentration to sit still for an hour or so reading and not feel the twitch to check email, online news, discussion boards, etc...

Ranting Teacher said...

Urban School Teacher:

When I first started my website there wasn't much of this sort of thing going on, so I guess at the time it was quite an edgy thing. I put some links on the TES website and the paper picked up the story, and from there some publishers got in touch with me.

I have since found that if you have a valid idea for a book, especially if you are yourself a practitioner or expert in that area, then you should just offer your proposal to a publishing company and if they see it as a viable option they will probably enter into discussions with you. It helps to have some work to show them - your own blog, for example.

As for sales and revenue: very sucessful sales, but even best-selling novelists don't earn that much! Which is why I keep up the day job until Hollywood comes calling. :)