Thursday, 11 June 2009

I think this must be a record

Surely this is slightly ridiculous... I've just seen the first "back to school - buy new uniform" advert on TV. This is far, far worse than Easter eggs on Boxing Day.


Fran Hill said...

But not worse than Valentine's Day cards in the shops at New Year,just when you've spent so much time with your partner arguing over in-laws, turkey leftovers and unromantic presents that you're considering homocide. (This is what my friends tell me, anyway.)

StupidityContainmentFieldCompromised said...

The Christmas season starts as soon as the kids are back at school, if some of the larger stores are to be believed.

When you see trees going up and hear "Fairy Tale of New York" in early SEPTEMBER, you know they've gone TOO far...

Melissa B. said...

Fran is probably soon as one holiday is over, the stores are scheduling the next one. School just let out for the summer here. I wouldn't be surprised at all if I saw commercials soon about back-to-school shopping!

The Snappy Sparrow said...

i agree with fran:)

Anonymous said...

It'll be Christmas soon!

Northern Teacher said...

Funny you should say that, Mrs Museum. I went into my local Waitrose on October 2nd and was gobsmacked to see Xmas hampers!!

Ranting Teacher said...

And I've already bought, and consumed, my first box of Christmas cake slices! Bring on the gluttony!