Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Blogroll please...

This evening I've been allowing myself a little self-indulgence. Not only have I got a little bit of time to set up this blog-space, but I've also been searching for other teacher blogs out there. It's been a while since I've read other blogs, and I know a few of my old favourites have hibernated for a while, just like I did over the summer and autumn.

But I would like to build up a blogroll of teachers' links, for my convenience and that of my visitors, so we can all keep up with everybody else's funny tales and frustrations. So please get in touch with me if you are a blogging teacher, and I can start my list!

And if you are visiting me because I left you a message on your page, I hope you can forgive my intrusion, and let me have your details so I can add you to my blogroll! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hooray you're back! I thought you'd finally become a school inspector.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back RT. I always have a good chuckle at your rantings, which help put my own classroom horrors into perspective.

Carry on ranting!!

JRD168 said...

I'm a teacher, and a blogger, though to be honest much of my blog is politics or sport!

mr fong said...

Hi there, im here at EYM, hope to see you, i'd be coming back.

Unknown said...


A couple of teacher blogs I know about:

Angela Maiers
Mrs. K's Teaching Reflection

Ranting Teacher said...

Thanks Mike I shall investigate later!

Anonymous said...

It is great to discover your blog. Thanks Mike for the referral. The more edubloggers that can connect, the smarter we all become. looking forward to the conversations!