Tuesday 20 May 2008


You'd think this would be the best time of year... exam classes are on study leave, freeing up several lessons each week. The mornings are light and so are the evenings. The student teachers are still in school and can now be left alone with classes to do their thing. So why is practically everyone at school so blooming tired all the time?!

Roll on half term; the lower school has gone hyperactive and hormones are a-go-go. Without Year 11 in school and with no sixth form prefects on duty because they're all on study leave, the middle years now think they rule the roost and spend their time loitering in corridors and snogging in doorways. Just wait for the Year 6s to start visiting and even Year 7 will start to strut their stuff, realising they're not the babies any more...


Miss B. Have said...

I remember this so clearly - When year 11s were on study leave, and year 10s on work experience I remember getting the upper school's privileges for a fortnight in year 9, it was great, and many got ideas above their station!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, last year I loved this the end of the summer term. Our school is on two sites, and with year 11 and year 13 gone, us year 12s ruled the roost (luckily with not too much competition from the year 10s!).

The good old days...